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The Hidden Treasure
Holy Mass
By: St. Leonard of Port Maurice
Type: Paperback
General Description: This book describes the great spiritual power of the Mass, how it holds back the wrath of God, its wonderful eternal and temporal benefits and several excellent ways to pray at Mass. Hidden Treasure is the prototype book on the Mass for all other books on the same subject; others basically repeat what this small book contains.
Light and Peace
Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Allay Their Fears
By: Rev. R. P. Quadrupani
Donation: $7.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: A handbook for getting to Heaven. 25 short, practical chapters on the basics of spiritual life. Should be read by everyone; especially good for high school students to get them started. Has influenced countless lives.
The Rhine Flows Into The Tiber
A History of Vatican II
By: Rev. Ralph Wiltgen
Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Unbiased, definitive, popularly written history of Vatican II. Tells it like it really happened. Filled with facts. Totally absorbing. Shows the efforts of the "Rhine Fathers" to take control of the Council. Crucial to understand what is shaping the Church today.
The Magnificent Prayers of
Saint Bridget of Sweden
Based on the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
By: Saint Bridget of Sweden
Donation $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Bridget relates the following: As she had been desirous for a long time to know the number of blows Our Lord received during His Passion, Jesus revealed to her: "I received 5,480 blows upon My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, say fifteen Our Father prayers and fifteen Hail Mary prayers with the following prayers [which He then taught her] for a whole year. When the year is finished, you will have honored each one of My wounds." To this Our Lord added the promise of signal graces to be received by those who practice this devotion.
St. Gertrude the Great, St. Mechtilde and St. Catherine of Siena have all revealed that those who meditate on Our Lord's Passion are very dear to Him. St. Francis de Sales says that the Passion should be the ordinary subject of meditation of every Christian. Jesus revealed to St. Albert the Great that He was more pleased if we meditate on His Passion and Death for 15 minutes than if we were to fast on bread and water every Friday for an entire year. And St. Augustine writes that "there is no more profitable occupation for the soul than to meditate daily on the Passion of Our Lord."
These beautiful prayers, given to us by St. Bridget of Sweden, are an easy and efficacious means of meditating daily on Our Lord's Passion and Death. May the Faithful embrace this devotion and promote it widely.
Purgatory Explained
Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints
By: Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.
Type: Paperback
General Description: You would never dream so much is known about Purgatory. Not only is the basic teaching of the Church given here, but also countless true stories of apparitions and revelations on Purgatory from the lives of St. Margaret Mary, St. Gertrude, St. Bridget of Sweden, the Cure of Ars, St. Lidwina of Schiedam, etc.
Charity for the Suffering Souls
An Explanation of the Catholic Doctrine of Purgatory
By: Rev. John A. Nageleisen
Type: Paperback
General Description: Profound, provocative, complete treatment of Purgatory--its sufferings, consolations, duration, etc., plus, how we can assist the Poor Souls, their gratitude, and God's reward to us for helping them
Dressing with Dignity
Second Edition
By: Colleen Hammond
Type: Paperback
General Description: Dressing with Dignity. In this ground-breaking book, Colleen Hammond challenges today’s fashions and provides you the information you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from the onslaught of tasteless, immodest clothing. Colleen Hammond shares real-life examples of how women can accentuate the grace and beauty of their femininity, and she shows that “modest” definitely does not mean “frumpy”!! DRESSING WITH DIGNITY covers it all . . . • The history and forces behind the changes in fashion. • How to talk to teenagers about the privilege of femininity so they will want to dress with dignity. • How to awaken chivalry in men and be treated with respect. • How to regain and teach the lost charm of interior and exterior femininity! • How to dress in an attractive, dignified, classy manner! • Specific documents about manners of dress from the Magisterium, the Popes and the Saints. • Comprehensive guidelines for choosing tasteful attire. • Resources on where to find beautiful, modest clothing. • And much, much more!
The Incorruptibles
A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various
Catholic Saints and Beati
By: Joan Carroll Cruz
Donation: 14.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The stories of 102 canonized Saints whose bodies were found incorrupt long periods after their deaths, many of which endured abnormally adverse conditions in remaining intact. A fascinating and absolutely documented study--and one which will reinforce people's faith in the Catholic Church--the only religion that possesses the phenomenon of bodily incorruption. A now classic book that belongs in every Catholic home.
St. Francis DeSales
A Biography of the Gentle Saint
By: Louise Stacpoole-Kenny
Suggested Donation: $11.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Francis de Sales is famous in the Catholic world for his personality, as well as for his writings and other accomplishments. When he was being considered for beatification, 5,000 witnesses testified to his heroic virtues and miracles. The Calvinist minister of Geneva said of St. Francis de Sales: “If we honored any man as a Saint, I know none more worthy than this man since the days of the Apostles.”
St. Gerard Majella
The Wonder-worker and Patron of Expectant Mothers
By: Rev. Edward Saint-Omer
Donation: $9.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Gerard Majella, "Patron of Expectant Mothers," is a major Saint of the Catholic Church. Though he died of tuberculosis at only 29 and was only a lay brother in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), he achieved great sanctity - such that his superiors attested that he had not only not committed any mortal sins, but that they could not detect that he had ever been guilty of any sin at all!
St. Martin De Porres
Apostle of Charity
By: Giuliana Cavallini
Suggested Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The close friend of St. Rose of Lima, he became a Dominican lay brother at 15 and spent his life (died at 61) helping those in need. Many great anecdotes telling how he raised the dead, multiplied food, cured the sick, healed wounded animals, visited those in need through bilocation, did extreme penance and gained the name of Apostle of Charity, patron of social justice, father of the sick and poor and helper in hopeless cases. The Dominican Order's official biography of him.
St. Maximilian Kolbe
By: Rev. J. J. Smith
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The famous martyr of Auschwitz (1941) who took the place of a condemned man. Before WW II, he worked mightily to conquer the world for Christ through Mary, desiring to save all souls in the world till the End of Time! His accomplishments are incredible! Proof positive the Faith produces heroes and martyrs even in our own day!
Saint Monica
Model of Christian Mothers
By: F.A. Forbes
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The famous persevering mother whose prayers, patience and good example at last obtained the conversion of her wayward son—the great St. Augustine—as well as her pagan husband and her mother-in-law. Includes her childhood, difficult marriage, anguish over Augustine, constancy and—in the end—her joy at his conversion. A magnificent story of prayer finally answered!
St. Philip Neri
Apostle of Rome
By: Rev. V. J. Matthews
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: "Rome is to be your Indies," prophesied a saintly monk to St. Philip Neri. So, he moved to Rome, became a priest and proceeded to sanctify that city, and thus the world. He had a tremendous sense of humor, he worked countless miracles and advised everyone from beggars to Popes. Founder of the Oratory, the inspiration of Saints and everyone. For sanctifying Rome, the Church owes him--even to our own time--a debt of unimaginable magnitude.
St. Dominic
By: Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy
Donation: $11.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: He multiplied bread and wine, raised people from the dead, fought the Albigensian Heresy, converted thousands with his preaching, gave the world the Rosary and founded the Dominican Order. In only five years he launched a spiritual movement that changed the shape of history!
The Life of St. Dominic
By: Sr. Augusta Theodosia Drane
Donation: $10.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Life of St. Dominic. The best biography of St. Dominic in English we have seen. Covers his preaching, miracles, founding of the Dominicans, the Rosary, the incredible fruit of his life, and the miraculous growth of
Life of St Catherine of Siena
By: Blsd. Raymond of Capua
Donation: $15.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Life of St Catherine of Siena. This is the classic life of St Catherine by her spiritual director. He tells of her only what he experienced firsthand, or of what he learned firsthand from her mother, her sisters, her family members and friends. An incredible life, told simply and straightforwardly, without embellishment and without dodging her many miracles, and miraculous conversions. This book puts you squarely in the presence of one of Holy Mother Church's greatest saints. 384 pp PB Impr.
Dominican Saints
By: Novices of The Dominican House of Studies
Donation: $9.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Dominican Saints. The lives and heroic deeds of St. Dominic, St. Peter Martyr, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Pius V, St. Rose of Lima, etc. Saints whose lives helped shape the whole world. Here are some of the greatest moments in all history--magnificent traditions that every Catholic
St. Dominic's Family: Over 300
Famous Dominicans
By: Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy
Donation: $22.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Dominic's Family. A monumental work. Some 335 biographies of the most famous people of the Dominican Order--priests, nuns and Third Order members--from St. Dominic himself (1170-1221) to Gerald Vann (1906-1963), arranged century by century. Great stories of heroes and heroines of Christ--miracles, visions, martyrdoms. Belongs in every Catholic home--imagine, over 300 saints' stories in one volume! Impr. 631 pgs, PB
St. Philomena
Powerful With God
By: Sr. Marie Helene Mohr
Suggested Donation: $10.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The early Roman virgin-martyr whose bones were discovered in 1802. She immediately began answering prayers, with so many favors and miracles being granted that she was raised to sainthood by Pope Gregory XVI--becoming the only person recognized by the Church as a saint solely on the basis of her powerful intercession, since nothing is known of her except her name and the evidence of her martyrdom. A great intercessor for all needs!
St. Athanasius
By: F. A. Forbes
Suggested Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: As a young cleric, he was present at the Council of Nicea (325), and though he did not want to be bishop, none was found better suited for the job. He fought the Arian Heresy through every vicissitude and finally triumphed for orthodoxy. Here is a popular biography for young and old of the Saint who is called "The Champion of Orthodoxy." .The famous Athanasian Creed is named after him.
St. Maria Goretti
In Garnments All Red
By: Rev. Godfrey Poage
Suggested Donation:
Type: Paperback
General Description: The beautiful, true story of the 12-year-old girl who in 1902 died a martyr to preserve her purity. Describes her virtuous life, poverty, holiness, valiant resistance, heroic and lingering death, conversion of her murderer and canonization in 1950 with her mother, her murderer and over 500,000 present. This is the famous, popular, classic biography!
St. Rita of Cascia
Saint of the Impossible
By: Rev. Joseph Sicardo
Suggested Donation: $8.00
Type: Paperback
General Description:One of the most popular Saints in the Church for centuries, St. Rita is known as the "Saint of the Impossible" because of her amazing answers to prayers, as well as the remarkable events of her own life. Desirous of being a nun, she instead obeyed her parents and married. Her husband was cruel, and caused her much suffering, to which she responded with love and prayers and eventually converted him. After the death of her husband and two sons, Rita was able to enter a convent, where she devoted herself to prayer and penance. She abandoned herself totally to God, diminishing herself as He increased in her. An inspiring story of a soul completely resigned to God's will.
St. Pius V
His Life, Times and Miracles
By: Robin Anderson
Suggested Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: In an incredible pontificate of 6 years, he vigorously promulgated the decrees of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), issued the Roman Missal, the revised Breviary and the Catechism of the Council of Trent, excommunicated Elizabeth I of England, established the Index of Forbidden Books, chose 314 bishops, wrote hundreds of bulls, and defeated the Turks at Lepanto in 1571, terminating their dominance of the Mediterranean Sea--all remarkably told in a short, readable biography
A Light in the Heavens
Great Encyclical Letters Of Pope Leo XIII
By: Pope Leo XIII
Donation: $19.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Prophesied as "A light in the heavens." 30 of his greatest encyclicals: Freemasonry, Christian Marriage, etc. Reads like chapters of one mighty book! Sheds the light of Faith on virtually all major problems we face today. Belongs in every Catholic home.
Pope St. Pius X
By: F.A. Forbes
Suggested Donation: $10.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: A fast-paced, fascinating life. From poor peasant to Pope. He condemned Modernism, allowed Communion at seven, reformed Church music & the Breviary, initiated a new code of Canon Law, etc., and set out "to restore all things in Christ".
Popes Against Modern Errors
16 Famous Papal Documents
By: Church Documents
Donation: $15.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: In 1789, the French Revolution took place and launched a host of religious, political and social errors which the Popes for over 160 years wrote and legislated against. Yet most of these errors have today filtered down to the common man . . . with the result that most people now take for granted many fundamental assumptions that are positively false! But almost from the beginning of these errors, the Popes spoke out as with one voice, inveighing against them.
Characters of the Inquisition
By: William Thomas Walsh
Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Characters of the Inquisition. Refutes the many lies about the Inquisition raised by the enemies of the Church. Shows why it was instituted, the purpose it served, its long-term effects, and why it preserved Catholic countries from the infamous witch-hunts besmirching Protestant history. All this is achieved by narrating the stories of six Grand Inquisitors. Exonerates the Church of all wrong-doing. Really dispels the lies about this institution.
The Crusades
By: Hillaire Belloc
Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
The Crusades. Belloc shows that the Crusades were a titanic struggle between Christian civilization and "the Turk," savage Mongols who had embraced Islam. He explains the practical reasons why the Crusaders initially succeeded and why they ultimately failed then he predicts the re-emergence of Islam, since Christendom failed to destroy it in the 12th century. Makes history come alive and gives a rare, true appreciation of Christendom and of our Catholic forefathers!
The Life and Revelations of Saint
Gertrude the Great
By: St. Gertrude the Great
Donation: $20.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great form one of the classics of Catholic writing. And although they would have to be classified as “mystical literature,” their message is clear and obvious, for this book states many of the secrets of Heaven in terms that all can understand.
The Sinner's Guide
By: Ven Louis Of Grenada
Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: This is probably the most famous book of the favorite writer of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Vincent de Paul, etc. St. Teresa of Avila credited this book with having converted over a million people in her time. This is the most persuasive book we know to encourage people to abandon sin and embrace repentance and virtue. The logic is relentless and effective. For mastery of subject, command of Scripture and total impact on the reader, no book surpasses The Sinner's Guide!
Stories of Padre
By: Katerina Tangari
Donation: $8.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Shows how Padre Pio healed bodies, souls and hearts--through miracles, providential "coincidences," etc. Assistance in illness, bereavement, broken marriage, irrational fear, business, exiting Freemasonry, finding lost objects, spiritual life and conversions. Rare firsthand view of this great, holy priest.
The Story of A
Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux
By: St. Therese of Lisieux
Donation: $8.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: One of the all-time favorite Catholic books. Teaches her "Little Way" of Spiritual Childhood. Sold many millions of copies worldwide and was instrumental in bringing down the "shower of roses" which St. Therese promised to send from Heaven.
This Is The Faith
A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith
By: Canon Francis Ripley
Suggested Donation: $10.00
Type: Paperback or MP3-CD Unabridged Audio book
General Description: Originally published in 1951, the book covers the nature of God, the nature of man, the meaning of life, the nature of religion, the sources of Faith, the necessity of prayer, the duty of belief, the consequences of sin, the Commandments of God, the Holy Trinity, belief in Christ, the Redemption, the supremacy of the Pope, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Sacraments, the Mass, the priesthood, devotion to Mary and the Saints, what happens after death, the devotional life of a Catholic.
The Agony and the Glory
By: Francis Johnston
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: A Portuguese victim soul, crippled jumping from a window to escape a rapist; she suffered the Passion of Christ on Fridays, spoke with Our Lord, and ate nothing save Communion her last 13 year
The Autobiography of St. Teresa
Of Avila
By: St. Teresa Avila
Type: Paperback
General Description: Famous Carmelite classic in a wonderful traditional translation. Her spiritual struggles, vision of her potential place in Hell, mystical graces--yet she remained very down to earth. One of the most admirable women of all time!
The Church Teaches
Documents of the Church in English Translation
By: Jesuit Fathers Of St. Mary's
Donation: $15.00
Type: Paperback
General Description:354 pages of famous dogmatic Church pronouncements: The Athanasian Creed, Oath against Modernism, Interpretation of Sacred Scripture, Condemnation of the Modernists, Papal Infallibility, etc.
The Divine Favors Granted To St.
By: Pere Binet
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Chosen by God for the incomparable vocation of spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Joseph received magnificent divine graces and favors not granted even to the Old Testament Patriarchs. Known as the most humble of men, St. Joseph received from Almighty God the authority to command both Our Lady and the Son of God Himself, and in Heaven he continues to have great intercessory power with God. The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph shows how this greatest of the Patriarchs is the patron of all Christians and how wonderfully he answers prayers; plus, it gives many of the ways of honoring him and many prayers to request his intercession. One of the finest books on St. Joseph, it will surely inspire the reader with a profound devotion to this great "Patron of the Universal Church."
Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph
By: Compiled from Tradtional Sources
Donation: $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Joseph obtains favors of any kind, but particularly in family problems, financial needs, purity, dangers, work, housing and a happy death. All the famous prayers: Novena for a Special Favor, Litany, 30 Days' Prayer, Memorare, for Purity, Conversion, a Happy Death, etc.
The Life and Glories of St.
By: Edward Healy Thompson
Donation: $14.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: No words of St. Joseph are recorded In Scripture. In fact, little mention is made of him there. Yet, despite these seeming limitations, the Church nonetheless possesses an indescribably rich knowledge of St. Joseph and of his cultus. This book will astound most readers both with its scope and with its profundity. Based mainly on Scripture, but supported also by Tradition and the depositions of saints, it is a carefully reasoned analysis of the entirety of that great saint's role in the history of Salvation and the life of the Church. Includes details about his spiritual life and noble lineage; how he was prefigured in the Old Testament; his relationship to Mary and Jesus; why he has been named by Pope Pius IX "The Patron of the Universal Church;" and so forth. Many beautiful insights.
Forty Dreams Of St. John Bosco
From St. John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs
By: St. John Bosco
Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: These fascinating dreams involve prophecy and reading of hearts, with a powerful spiritual message. Includes: To Hell and Back, Two Boys Attacked by a Monster, The Snake and the Rosary, and many more. These dreams led to many conversions and will instruct, admonish and inspire today!
St. John Bosco
The Friend of Youth
By: F.A Forbes
Donation: $8.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The story of "The Friend of Youth" is told here in a brief, popular manner for teenagers and adults. A "card" and a practical joker in his youth, St. John Bosco (1815-1888) grew up to become a priest and the founder of the Salesians--the largest order in the Church.
The Life of St. Gemma Galgani
By: Venerable Fr. Germanus, C.P.
Donation: $15.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: St. Gemma Galgani (1878-1903) was a beautiful Italian laywoman who was born near Lucca, lived in obscurity, died at only 25, and yet has become known the world over and is fondly called "The Gem of Christ." A mystic, stigmatist, visionary, ecstatic, victim soul, discerner of spirits, seer of hidden things, prophetess, spouse of Christ, zealot for souls and devotee of the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
St. Anthony Wonder Worker
The Wonder Worker of Padua
By: Charles Warren Stoddard
Donation: $6.00
General Description: A beautiful, popular life of the Patron of Lost Objects, a powerful intercessor, and the favorite saint of Catholics. Praised by St. Bonaventure for his zeal, and loved by St. Francis, he was the greatest preacher of the middle ages and one of the finest orators of all time. Includes the famous stories of St. Anthony and the Christ Child, St. Anthony and the Mule, preaching to the fishes, and more. Find out why the Church calls him the "Hammer of Heretics."
Freemasonry Mankind's Hidden Enemy
With Current Official Catholic Statements
By: Br Charles Madden, O.F.M. Conv.
Donation: $7.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Freemasonry Mankind's Hidden Enemy. A short, incisive examination of Freemasonry, giving a brief, clear overview of the subject. Written to convince today's Catholics that they must not join this cult. Quotes Leo XIII's famous encyclical On Freemasonry (1884); proves it is a secret society, a religion of naturalism and that it aims at subverting the influence of the Catholic Church. Gives current official Catholic statements, intended to end confusion about Catholics joining this cult.
Behind The Lodge Door
The Church, State and Freemasonry in America
By: Paul A. Fisher
Donation: $15.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Behind The Lodge Door. A probing analysis of Freemasonry in the U.S. in general, but especially relative to religious education, opposition to the Catholic Church, directing national social policy and how Masons attract members. Thoroughly documented. Immensely revealing. Covers the birth and rise of Freemasonry, the Catholic Church's early condemnation of it, etc. Essential to understanding the forces behind the scenes. 362 Pp. PB.
The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle
By: Marie Carre
Donation: $5.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: AA-1025 Memoirs of a Communist injured in an auto accident in France; he died in the hospital a few hours later. The nurse who attended him kept his journals, read them and published them as AA-1025. He had become a Catholic priest to subvert the Church from within. Describes his methods & plans. Says there were many more like him. Very enlightening!
St. Antony Of The Desert
By: St. Athanasius
Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The classic, fascinating and almost fabulous life of St. Antony of the Desert, the Father of Monasticism, both East and West, all as recorded by St. Athanasius, his friend. Filled with miracles, wisdom and revelations. St. Antony revealed that there are swarms of devils everywhere, but that they are powerless to harm us when we use the Holy Name of Jesus and sacramentals to ward them off.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Oracle of the Twelfth Century
By: Abbe Theodore Ratisbonne
Donation: $17.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Abbot, Confessor, Doctor of the Church (1091-1153). In all history no other man so dominated his times and influenced its people. He prophesied, cast out devils, worked miracles, destroyed heresy, single-handedly healed a schism, launched a crusade, advised popes, guided councils (6), ended a pogrom, accomplished every mission given him--yet was always sickly, took no joy in the world or pride in his successes, and ever longed to return to his cell. A story to make you weep.
The Prophecies of St. Malachy
By: Peter Bander
Donation $7.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Prophecies of St. Malachy. The short, cryptic prophecies of St. Malachy, the Primate of Ireland, made circa 1140 while on a visit at Rome, about each Pope from his time till the End of Time--all based on visions he had at the time. From what we know of recent Popes, these prophecies are accurate, based on interior evidence alone. What is so very sobering is the fact there are only 2 Popes left after Pope John Paul II!!
Liturgical Time Bombs In Vatican II
The Destruction of the Catholic Faith through Changes in Catholic Worship
By: Michael Davies
Donation $9.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Liturgical Time Bombs In Vatican II. Michael Davies shows how Fr. Annibale Bugnini--before his dismissal by Paul VI under suspicion of being a Freemason--was able to "reform" the Catholic Mass into the constantly evolving liturgy. Quoting Bishops and Cardinals as well as liberal "experts" and Protestant observers, he exposes the "time bombs" which were built into the Second Vatican Council's document on the liturgy by a few revolutionaries in order to be exploited later--and which have been detonating ever since.
Blood-Drenched Altars
A Catholic Commentary on the History of Mexico
By: Most Rev. Francis Kelly
Donation $16.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Blood-Drenched Altars. This book is pivotal to understanding Mexico! Shows how Catholic Spain during 300 years--1521-1821--formed Mexico and made her prosperous and happy, but how the great Masonic Revolution (1821-1928) has made her poor and miserable. Shows that Mexico is still basically Catholic (97%) but is ruled by an anti-Catholic government. Full of insights and crucial to understanding Mexico. 502 Pp. PB.
Which Bible Should You Read?
By: Thomas A. Nelson
Type: Paperback
General Description: Which Bible Should You Read? is a short, provocative analysis showing which is the most accurate, safest English translation of the Bible. Not so surprisingly, the Douay-Rheims traditional Catholic version of the Bible emerges from this analysis and comparison as the best, safest, most accurate Bible in English of the ten versions compared.
The Permanent Instruction of the
Alta Vendita
A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church
By: John Vennari
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The author quotes the actual Masonic document, which both Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) and Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) asked to be published. This document describes the Masons' diabolical strategy to destroy the Church by infecting her leaders with Liberal ideas.
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest
By: Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: A beautiful little book "all about the Holy Ghost," including prayers to Him. Shows He really and truly dwells in every soul that is in the state of grace. He aids all Christians without exception, if only we will ask His help. Enlightening and encouraging!
The Wonders of the Holy Name
By: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Few Catholics today know about the amazing power of the Holy Name of Jesus. Urges us to invoke the name of Jesus often. By reverent use of the Holy Name, we can glorify God, call on His aid, pay our spiritual debts, assist the Poor Souls, etc. Remarkable!
The Wonders of the Mass
By: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Wonders of the Mass. Says "The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. . .the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Quotes Saints, plus Our Lord Himself in revelations to various Saints. Filled with incomparable insights on the glories of the Mass.
The Catholic Sanctuary
And The Second Vatican Council
By: Michael Davies
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Documents that Vatican II and the post-VII legislation did not mandate any changes in the Catholic Sanctuary: e.g., moving tabernacles, removing altar rails, placing a chair in the middle of the sanctuary--nor even Mass facing the people! Quotes documents. A real bombshell!
Scripture Alone? 21 Reasons to reject Sola Scriptura
By: Joel Peters
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Presents
classic arguments which refute the protestant notion of "Sola Scriptura" and
describes the resulting bad fruits of division and strife. Explains that
this dogma is unscriptural and man-made - originating as a novel concept in
the 16th century from Martin Luther's feverish mind. Also notes that those
who support this notion cling to an incomplete Bible from which Luther
excised seven books. Powerful!
By: Angela Carol
Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: A little book about the great Archangel Raphael, who is the Patron of Healing, of Happy Meetings, of Joy and of Travel. It gives the Scriptural background on St. Raphael, plus famous prayers to use in invoking the aid of this great Archangel, who identifies himself as "one of the seven who stand before the Lord.
Read Me or Rue It
By: Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Captivating true stories about the Poor Souls in Purgatory, showing how we can and should help them and how they will help us in return! Will help us send souls to Heaven and obtain blessings from the Poor Souls for ourselves.
Confession It's Fruitful
Its Fruitful Practice
By: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Suggested Donation: $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Confession It's Fruitful Practice. This wonderful and practical little book explains clearly and thoroughly how to make a good Confession but in much greater detail than covered in most catechisms. It includes an examination of conscience; contrition and its necessary qualities; the purpose of amendment and its necessary qualities; avoiding the near occasion of sin; the actual Confession of sins to the priest; and the penance given by the priest.
My Confession Book (For
By: Sister M. Andrine Welters, O.S.B.
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: My Confession Book. A little classic from 1958 that has assisted many children with their First Confession as well as subsequent confessions. Boys and girls who use this book will receive wonderful help with making a careful examination of conscience in accord with the Ten Commandments, having true sorrow for their sins, making a firm purpose of Amendment, and remembering what to do and say in the confessional.
Confession - A Little Book For the Reluctant
By: Msgr. Louis Gaston de Segur
Suggested Donation: $2.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Confession - A Little Book For the Reluctant. This popular nineteenth century French Catholic writer has assembled over 30 common objections to going to Confession and has answered them all—with kindness, wit and wisdom. A book to allay fears and to give courage in approaching Confession, that Sacrament which will unlock the Gates of Heaven for many. Includes How to go to Confession.
The Penny Catechism
Approved by the Bishops of England and Wales
Suggested Donation: $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: 300 questions and answers on all aspects of the Faith. Excellent basic class text and short summary of Catholic teaching for everyone. An official catechism.
The Seven Capital Sins
Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth
By: Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Suggested Donation: $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Seven Capital Sins. Everyone unfortunately, will see himself described in the pages of this little book, since all our sins are traceable to these seven roots: Pride, Covetousness (Avarice), Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. The Seven Capital Sins explains the true nature, degrees, acts and family relationships (or connecting links) among these seven vices, and it gives the remedies and safeguards against them.
The Four Last Things
Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven
By: Rev. Martin Von Cochem
Suggested Donation: $6.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: The Four Last Things. It has ever been the practice of the Catholic Church to recommend to her spiritual children the meditation on man's “four last things--death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.” Keeping these sobering aspects of human destiny ever before our eyes, we will be that much less likely to fall into mortal sin and be lost eternally. Gives many facts we should meditate on as we contemplate death. This book has converted numerous Protestants in our day because of its cogent reasons for rectifying our lives.
The Douay-Rheims Bible - Hardbound
By: Loreto Publications
Suggested Donation: $40.00
Type: Hardbound
General Description: The Douay-Rheims Bible -. The best, most accurate, safest English translation that you can use. A careful word-for-word translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible (the official Bible of the Church)--plus of the original New Testament Greek. This version is a joy to read, is full of surprises and really makes the Bible come alive! Contains those familiar, profound and commanding Bible passages which say to all, "This is Sacred Scripture!"
History of Antichrist
By: Fr. P. Huchede
Suggested Donation: $3.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: History of Antichrist. A readable, yet authoritative outline of the Catholic tradition on Antichrist based on Scripture, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and Tradition. Proves he will come, be an individual man, rule the entire world and deceive even some of the "elect." 64 pgs, PB
Evidence of Satan In The Modern World
By: Rev. Leon Cristiani
Suggested Donation: $10.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Evidence of Satan In The Modern World. Convincing proof the devil does exist and still manifests his presence. Covers diabolical infestation, obsession and possession. Many famous cases of possession and exorcism, plus a general discussion of the devil. This is one of the best books on the subject of possession ever written. Discusses also Satan at Lourdes--to distract from the apparitions of 1858--and the devices of Satan to deceive us. 208 pgs, PB
Saints Who Raised the Dead: True Stories of 400
Resurrection Miracles
By: Rev. Albert J. Hebert
Suggested Donation: $13.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Saints Who Raised the Dead. Stories from the lives of St. Francis Xavier, St. Patrick, St. John Bosco, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Rose of Lima, Bl. Margaret of Castello, etc. Includes the raising of persons who had died, descriptions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory by temporarily dead persons and an analysis of contemporary "after death" experiences. Many pictures of the saints and their miracles. Fascinating. Formerly published by TAN under the title "Raised from the Dead".
Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa
By: St. Catherine & Don Cattaneo Marabotto
Suggested Donation: $9.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: Spiritual Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa. This great lay mystic reveals that the Gates of Heaven are actually wide open, but that souls choose not to go there unless they are perfect. If they are wicked (in mortal sin), they hurl themselves into Hell. If they die in the State of Grace, but with sins yet unexpiated, they hasten to the appropriate place in Purgatory. St. Catherine says that the sins we expiate in this life are paid for at a very small price indeed compared to what we will pay in Purgatory. A classic!
By Beth Ann Mammola-Koravos, Illustrated by Helena Bebirian
Suggested Donation: $9.00
Type: Paperback
General Description: This book was written from my heart, to my daughter Olivia. Her desire to say goodnight to God and the conversation that followed will lift your spirit and lighten your heart. The illustrations are as beautiful as the book itself. Beth Ann Mammola-Koravos. Excellent book for children!
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