A Very Serious Warning about Freemasons
There is very little public knowledge about the Freemasons, if you do know anything, it is usually about their community service or burn victim hospitals. The truth is, these are schemes to cover the true intentions of the Freemasons. For example, have you have ever seen one of the hats the Shriners wear? Those hats are called Fezzes, it originates from the 7th century Arabia. Under the leadership of Mohammed, thousands of Catholics were slaughtered in the City of Fez, Morocco. After the slaughter the Mohammedans took their hats and dipped them into the blood of the Christians. They wore the Fezzes throughout the land glorifying their victory over Christianity.. This is the meaning behind the reddish hats on the heads of 33rd degree masons (Shriners).
Please be aware of this evil, many of those that are brought into the Freemasons think it is a charitable men's club, but that is their disguise. Many of the men that enter these Lodges do not understand fully what they are getting themselves involved in. If a Freemason was to see this simple argument he would simply say that we are some fanatical group trying to put down another group; out of some spiteful plot. Please do not believe any nonsense that will be told you regarding their defense. Please investigate on your own. There are many ex-mason websites trying to warn others of the plan to destroy Christianity. You will find out how Islam, Freemasons and Communism are connected. Please read below for a brief history of the Freemasons.
Historic Origins of Modern Masonry
Modern Masonry was founded in London in 1717 when four small Masonic lodges united to become the Grand Lodge of England. Subsequently, in 1736, the first Masonic Lodge in Europe, the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, was founded.
Freemasonry known also as the Craft or the Brotherhood, was no longer a guild of operative stone masons who had built Europe's great Catholic cathedrals. It had become a collection of intellectuals who, out of pride, valued reason over faith which in turn led to a descent into the spiritual darkness of self-deification.
In Defense of Christianity
Since 1738, the Popes have warned of the intrinsic deceitfulness of Freemasonry and similar secret societies because of their rejection of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer.
The intrinsic evil of Masonry, which embraces organized naturalism and denies the divinity of Christ, was already so evident by 1738 that Pope Clement XII in an encyclical binding to the entire Christian Church admonished the faithful to avoid membership in and association wit Freemasonry: " All the faithful of Christ of whatever state, grade, condition or order, we ordain stringently and in virtue of holy obedience, that they shall not under any pretext enter, propagate or support the aforesaid societies, known as Freemasons, or otherwise named, that the faithful shall not be enrolled in them, or take part in their proceedings, assist them, or afford them in any way counsel, and, or favor, publicly or privately, directly or indirectly, by themselves or by others in any way whatever under pain of excommunication to be incurred by the very act without further declaration...." Absolution from this most grievous offense against God, was only obtainable from the successor to St. Peter.
Clements's condemnation was absolute "...because of the wickedness and perversion of Masonry and their ability to deceive."
In 1829, Pope Pius VIII stated, " Lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their sacrifice." And in 1885, Pope Pius IX told the Archbishop of Paris that Masonic secret sects formed " The Synagogue of Satan."
Pope Leo XIII, in Human Genus, labeled Freemasonry "this foul plague [with] a fraudulent external appearance," and proclaimed, "we wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry and let it be seen for what it really is; and by sermons and pastoral letters to instruct the peoples as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men."
Masonic Black Masses
In a 1991 interview Cardinal Eduard Gagnon, member of the Church's Curia, said he knew from his personal experience in Canada, that Masons stole the Consecrated Hosts to be used in the celebration of Masonic black masses. The Cardinal stated further that Masons had made repeated efforts to influence the Vatican to lift all prohibitions against Catholic membership.
Masonic Wars and Assassinations
The Masonic lodges, together with the Jacobins and the Illuminati masterminded the bloody French Revolution to overthrow the Catholic monarchy and the catholic Church so as to install a Masonic republic. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were beheaded; the Catholic clergy were either murdered or forced to hide; a Masonic black Mass desecrated the high altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Masonic governments have ruled France for most of the past two centuries. In 1914, World War I was precipitated by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Hapsburg throne and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Gavrilo Princep, one of the assassins, testified that the Serbian Masonic Lodge had ordered the assassination-the goal was to destroy both the Hapsburg dynasty and the Austro- Hungarian Empire. Kaiser Wilhelm II stated in his biography that the Masonic Grand Masters of Europe intended to destroy the Catholic Hapsburg dynasty, eliminate the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and destroy the Catholic Church. They were successful in two of the three goals!
In 1917, Father Maximilian Kolbe watched in horror as the Freemasons, celebrating their bicentennial, marched through the streets of Rome carrying banners depicting Satan defeating St. Michael and declaring: "Satan will rule on Vatican Hill and the Pope will serve as his errand boy." Martyr and saint, Fr. Kolbe worked tirelessly against Masonry because he knew how this enemy of the Church insidiously effects revolutionary social changes by promoting spiritual paralysis, moral compromise, secular humanism, and the heresy of indifferentism.
In July, 1992,Mexico's Masonic Grand Master Francisco Valle Guzman condemned the Catholic Church as "the most powerful and ruthless enemy of science, civilization, fraternity and love. Any reconciliation between us is impossible." He then added that Masonry's "duty" is to be the "gravediggers" of the Catholic Church.
In the spring of 1993, Mexican Cardinal Posadas Ocampo stated, "the principles and traditional philosophy of the Freemasons makes it clear that they don't act in our favor," adding that the 1994 presidential elections "would be an appropriate occasion for change."
In May 1993, the Cardinal was gunned down in the Guadalajara Airport. Although circumstantial evidence points to a Masonic assassination, Mexico's Masonic government continues to declare that the murder was an accident.
At each degree of initiation, Masons take a deadly oath, and swear allegiance to Masonry above God and Country. Under pain of death, they swear never to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry- not even to their wives.
Therefore, no matter what Masons claim about their good works or intentions, they cannot be believed. They are the Church's diabolical enemy.
Agents of the Anti Christ
Root Causes of the Great Apostasy
St Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians foretold events which must take place before the second coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
"Let no one deceived you in anyway, for the day of the Lord will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and is exalted above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sits in the temple of God and gives himself out as if he were God." (2:3,4)
St. Paul's letter explicitly prophesizes that the great apostasy and the advent of the Antichrist must precede the second coming. It is possible for the faithful to recognize the era of the great apostasy or will they be deceived by the lying wonders of the son of perdition the marks of which deception."?
Our Lord Jesus Christ established His Church to be His teaching authority on earth and He chose St. Peter as the first Pope. It was Pope Pius XII, one of St. Peter's successors, who, at a pastoral conference on May 23, 1958, while warning the faithful of the great apostasy also identified the causes of the great apostasy: "the roots of modern apostasy lay in scientific atheism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, illuminism, laicism, and Freemasonry which is the mother of them all."
Papal Encyclicals/Vatican Documents in Condemnation of Masonry
Clement XII 1738 In Eminente
Automatic excommunication of catholic Masons
Benedict XIV 1751 Providas
Condemned Masonry for 5 reasons: secrecy, oaths, indifferentism, anti-Catholic, immoral
Clement XIII 1766 Christianae Republicae
Masonry duplicates Manichean and Gnostic heresies
Pius VI 1775 Inscrutabili Divinae Sapientiae
Masonry man is subject to no authority
Pius VII 1821 Ecclesiam a Jesu-Cristo
Masonry is a counter-church
Leo XII 1825 Quo Graviora
Masonry denies the divinty of Christ
Pius VIII 1829 Traditae Humilitari Nostrae
Masonry's God is Satan
Bishops must oppose all secret societies
Gregory XVI 1832 Miari Vos
Masonic philosophy has penetrated the Church
Pius IX 1873 Etsi Multa
American Masonry is as evil as European Masonry
Leo XIII 1884 Humanum Genus
Masonic mask of deception must be torn away
Pius X 1911 Iamdudum
condems Masonic separation of Church and state
Benedict XV 1917 Code of canon Law
reconfirms excommunication of Catholic Masons
Pius XII 1958 Pastoral letter
Masonry is "mother root" of modern apostacy
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer for the Conversion of Masons
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who showest forth Thy omnipotence most manifestly when Thou sparest and hast compassion,
Thou Who didst say, “Pray for those who persecute and calumniate you" we implore the clemency of Thy Sacred Heart on behalf of souls, made in the image of God, but most miserably deceived by the treacherous snares of Freemasons, and going more and more astray in the way of perdition.
Let not the Church, Thy Spouse, any longer be oppressed by them; but, appeased by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, and the prayers of the just, be mindful of Thy infinite mercy, and disregarding their perversity, cause these very men to return to Thee, that they may bring consolation to the Church by a most abundant penance, make reparation for their misdeeds, and secure for themselves a glorious eternity;
Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
(100 days, once a day) ( the Raccolta, 8th Edition, p.140)
For more information regarding Freemasons or if you need help understanding what you just read, please contact us!